TPgDump Properties

Properties of the TPgDump class.

For a complete list of the TPgDump class members, see the TPgDump Members topic.


Name Description

Connection (inherited from TDADump)

Used to specify a connection object that will be used to connect to a data store.


Name Description

Debug (inherited from TDADump)

Used to display the statement that is being executed and the values and types of its parameters.


Used to specify the mode of backup performed by TPgDump.


Used to specify the types of objects that are backuped by PgDump.


Specifies the behaviour of the TPgDump component.


Used to set the names of the schemas to dump.

SQL (inherited from TDADump)

Used to set or get the dump script.

TableNames (inherited from TDADump)

Used to set the names of the tables to dump.

See Also

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